The Question Is Not WHY You Need It – Facebook Isn’t Asking!

Facebook is changing, is your fan page out of date?The Facebook Timeline became mandatory on March 30th, 2012 and Facebook members will have their profile and fan pages forcibly updated to an ambitious new layout that Facebook calls Timeline.

  • If you create a new page, the layout of the page WILL be the new Timeline layout.
  • If you have an existing fan page, it will “disappear” from view when Facebook forcibly updates your page.
  • See the Timeline change as an opportunity to promote your brand, product or service in a more creative manner.
  • Do nothing and you are essentially sidelined until you decide to comply.
  • Make use of the new style canvas page and publish a full 810 px wide fan page.

Keep Pace With Facebook — We Will Help You Along The Way

Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Optimize your mandatory Timeline page with all the new page features.
  • Re-publish and modify any existing fan page.
  • Build you a new fan page using a professionally designed theme.
  • You will be “ready to go” in a few days.

Facebook Timeline Changeover Rescue Services

Facebook Timeline Changeover Rescue Services

We offer a comprehensive service that enables you to have the Timeline changes implemented quickly and effortlessly while maximizing your ability to promote your brand, product or service.


This is what we can do for you and your company:


Your Facebook Profile.

  1. Create and insert new cover photo of the required size (850 x 315 pixels).
  2. Create and insert new profile picture (180 x 180 pixels, scalable to 32 x 32 pixels).
  3. Give you detailed instruction on how to configure and best utilize all the new page features:
    1. The Timeline display (what to show and in which sequence).
    2. The ability to now segment friends and fans into different categories which, in turn, determines “who can see what” on you Timeline display.
    3. The new facility to create “Events” which are shown more prominently on the Timeline display.
    4. The new interface for displaying photos, videos and Facebook applications.
    5. The features available on the new Control Panel.


Your Custom Page or Pages (fan pages)

We supply a range of services to suit your current requirements:

  1. We ensure that any existing fan page does not disappear from view (it must be reconfigured).
  2. We can build a new Timeline page to promote your brand, product or service. This new mandatory page has all the same features as your Profile page and becomes the default landing page for your fan page. We guide you on how you can best utilize all the new page features.
  3. We can build a custom fan page which can now be a full size webpage 810 pixels in width.
    1. We provide a wide selection of ready-made templates which include placeholders for video and custom made images.
    2. We can build a page in accordance with your specifications using standard HTML, CSS and Javascript.
    3. We set up the Facebook application which loads your fanpage onto the Facebook canvas page.
    4. We create attractive images for the Custom Tabs that link your Timeline page to the fan page/s.
    5. We assist you to acquire a Facebook User Name for your fan page.

Understanding Google Search Algorithm Changes

google algorithm changeMany business owners and marketers have heard rumors of multiple changes that Google is making to their ranking algorithms.

For those of you who have better things to do with your life than keeping track of the search engine behemoth’s every whim, congratulations on leading a full life.

Rest assured though that we here at Big Splash Web Design & Marketing have been diligently watching and studying the algorithm changes, each with cute names such as “Panda,” “Farmer” and “Venice.”

While Panda and Farmer’s stated goals were to weed out so-called “content farms” and other sites with little to no actual content value, Venice is meant to more tightly integrate local search results into Google’s overall results. We’ve known for months that Google was trending towards local results, since that is typically what a searcher is looking for.  The Venice update simply takes that even further.

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How to Mix Pinterest Into Your Email Marketing Campaigns


Much to everyone’s surprise, at the turn of 2012 the runaway-hit social networking site wasn’t Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+. It was in fact Pinterest, the latest social media craze that seems to have captured everyone’s attention.

Pinterest is essentially a graphic social bookmarking network. It has quickly shot into the top 10 most visited social networks of the past year – having already attracted more than 10 million registered users – and continues to gain popularity.

What is Pinterest?

The concept behind the image-based platform is simple enough: users create and name boards of anything they like and post relevant photos on corresponding boards, while sorting them under a number of defined categories.

Pinterest allows you to pin various items onto your pinboard, where the “pins” are images and videos collected from anywhere on the web. For ease of use, you can download a browser extension which allows you to quickly pin anything you find online directly, sharing it to get the opinions of others and to get them to share it.

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New Facebook Timeline for Business Pages

facebook brand pages introAs you may know, Facebook recently changed the format of personal profile pages, moving to the new Timeline page design. This change will soon apply to business pages as well. The new Facebook business page design, which is virtually the same as Timeline, is now available for all businesses to implement on Facebook pages!

All business pages will be required to convert to the new format on March 30, 2012. In the meantime, page administrators can preview and play around with the new design without publishing, or have the option of publishing their new design immediately.

Here’s what you need to know to make the most out of the new design and all the features it has to offer. Along with our overview here, take some time to check out Facebook’s overview of the new design.

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7 Pillars of Marketing a Local Business Online

Since we’re in the business of web design and internet marketing — and small business owners ourselves — we frequently have conversations with our clients about promoting business online and staying “visible” across the internet.

We’d like to share this article, 7 Pillars of Marketing a Business Online. The advice in this article echoes what we frequently tell our clients, so you’ll likely find some good tips relevant to your business and/or your marketing strategy.

If you have questions, or need more information about marketing your business online, contact us at [email protected], or give us a call at (281) 816-6932.


Understanding How Search Engines REALLY Work

When most people want to find something on the Internet, whether it’s on Google, Facebook, Bing or YouTube, they use specific keywords to search for it. Search Engines are the number one way that people retrieve their needed information on the Internet, and so building a website that is easily accessible to Search Engines like Google and Bing is, perhaps, the most important component of a strong Internet Marketing Campaign. Unfortunately, most people do not understand how Search Engines work and therefore have difficulty making their web pages “rank” or appear on the Search Engine results page for their most valuable search keywords. A basic understanding of how Search Engines work can greatly enhance your chances of getting quality leads through your website.

In order to find relevant web pages for every possible keyword that is entered by a user, Search Engines employ software, known as bots, to catalog as many pages on the Internet as possible. Once a bot comes to your website, it will look for information that identifies what your website is about. The bot uses the words you put in your meta-title, in your text, and in your URL to catalog the website as being associated with a particular search keyword. The web bot may also try to determine whether other websites on the Internet think your website is related to a particular search keyword. It does this by examining the context in which other websites link to your website. For example, if 100 websites linked to another website with the phrase “yellow widgets,” then a Search Engine would determine it is likely that the specific website has something to do with these yellow widgets.

The search engine then prioritizes how much your site has to do with a given word or phrase. Ideally, sites that are the most relevant and the most authoritative show up on the first page of the search engine, while less reliable sites that have less to do with the keyword you typed in will be on the 2nd page and so on.

Now that you know how search engines find out information about websites, you can begin a search engine optimization campaign that utilizes the keywords customers will use to find you. If you don’t know which keywords you’re targeting on your web site, your web page may not rank for any keywords or the keywords it does rank for may not be ones that are valuable for attracting customers. That’s why it is very important that you consider which keywords you’d like your page to rank for before embarking on an internet marketing campaign.
For example, lets say a plumber in Miami has a URL “” and the title of the page is “Miami Plumber | Dave’s Plumbing”. That site is probably likely to be ranked on the first page of the search engine results page for the keyword phrase, “Miami plumber”. Now what if the same plumber were to use the URL and called the title tag, “Home Page”? A site like that may not rank at all for the keyword phrase “Miami Plumber” and if it did, it probably wouldn’t be on the first page of Google.

The lesson to take away here? Even if you know the audience for your site or your video, the search engines may not. Always use search engine optimization so that the bots can read and appropriately index your web site.


Rock Solid Elements of Effective Online Marketing


There’s a resource that we refer to from time to time here at Big Splash Web Design & Marketing . It’s Copyblogger Media, which you can find at Founder Brian Clark and his team at  Copyblogger Media are experts in online marketing; specifically, creating quality content that will grow your business online.

Copyblogger offers a tutorial on online marketing called Authority Rules which includes a great report titled The 10 Rock Solid Elements of Effective Online Marketing. This document has some great information on how to leverage your expertise to create more trust and gain more customers.

Here is where you can read the full report.


4 Ways Your Small Business can Dominate the Search Engines

Google Places Listings for Better SEO

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4 Ways Your Small Business can Dominate the Search Engines

One of the best ways to take control of your small business’s online reputation is to make sure that your small business owns all the first and possibly second pages in the search engine results. Using the following strategies, any small business owner with a limited budget can use this cost-effective strategy to dominate the search results for their company keywords and reduce the “space” for any external negative search results.

1. Build a website with your complete company name as the domain name and use a .com extension. So like in our case, our company name is Big Splash Web Design, so we registered the domain name Doing this improves your search engine optimization (SEO). Make sure you use your company keywords in your content to help with your SEO. A side benefit of choosing a domain name this way is that it’s very intuitive and easy to remember for your customers. Continue reading