Time Tested SEO Tips To Catapult Your Business Website

Even though SEO is always changing and evolving, there are some time tested strategies that work now and probably always will. However, it is still critical that you keep up with the latest methods that are working, or at least hire someone knowledgeable enough to do it for you. Here are some SEO tips to try in your business marketing.

First, you have to learn how to target keywords that are actually within your reach. If you are an accountant, it would be almost impossible to rank in Google for “accounting”. But, on the other hand, you may be able to rank for “Atlanta accountant” with the right SEO tricks up your sleeve. Ranking for lots of “little” keywords may be a lot better in the long run than obsessing over a huge one.seo tips

You have to focus on your on-page SEO efforts. What does this mean? Basically, you need to have the right keywords in the right places on your website. You need to use tags, a certain keyword density, captions, meta descriptions and other things to get your site to rank and keep it there.

Another point to remember is that you must be consistent with your social media efforts. Spend some time each day interacting with your followers and fans. Build rapport and relationships as they will serve you well for years to come.

You also need to start focusing on mobile marketing as well. More and more people are using mobile text messaging as a marketing medium. Done correctly, mobile text messaging can far outshine email marketing, in terms of ROI.

Start using videos on a regular basis too. Take advantage of this video revolution we’re experiencing on the Internet. People are watching videos all day long, so put some of yours in front of them too!

There are technical things you can do to decrease your page load times on your website. Make sure those things are in place because people simply won’t sit there and wait for your site to load. It makes you look “behind the times”.

Finally, it is critical that you are posting fresh content on a regular basis. Make it good content! Don’t just post for no reason. Find the questions your prospects and clients have, and answer them. Be their problem solver.

SEO does not need to be an arduous or expensive task for your business. You need to know some simple tips that you should do on a consistent basis. Keep plugging away and you will start to see a snowball effect.

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