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Responsive Mobile

We are seeing a lot of changes in the world of mobile web design. The movement is pointing towards responsive rather than dedicated mobile websites.

Responsive mobile websites “resize” the desktop version of your website, so updates are automatic and your branding stays intact.

The resizing can potentially fit on ANY size screen, but primarily its built for desktops and tablets/smartphones.

Dedicated mobile versions are usually treated as an afterthought, something added in later after the site is already up. A proper responsive website is considered upfront (during concept, content, and design stages) rather than added in after the website is completed.

Responsive is a little more work, but it will save you a lot of hassle (aka time and money) down the road. Bottom line: You’re going to need one.

So now, a responsive mobile website is included with every custom website we develop.

If the price is a little higher than your average web guy punching out code from his house (or overseas), its because you are getting the best. You are getting future-proofed. You’re getting it done RIGHT the first time.

Check out some of our custom responsive websites, and then Take The Plunge!

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