5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Mobile Website

mobile website designIf you are responsible for

marketing your business

, then there’s no doubt you are aware of just how important it is that you have a

strong presence on the Internet


There are many ways of developing this presence, from

social media sites

to blogs, and you should be taking advantage of all of them. One of the latest, most effective ways of taking full advantage of the world wide web’s

marketing potential

is by using a

mobile website

. A

mobile website

is just what it sounds like – a website specifically designed to be viewed on mobile devices. So, why does your business need a mobile website if its traditional site is doing just fine?

Here are five compelling reasons why:

1) Aesthetic Appeal

You may wonder why people can’t just view your existing traditional website on their mobile devices. The truth is, they can. The other truth is that your traditional website simply doesn’t look very good on a mobile device. Do this: shrink the view on your web browser by zooming out until you have to squint to read the text. Not a good viewing experience, right?

2) The Statistics

You can’t argue with numbers. Basically, more people today use their mobile devices to access the Internet than they do their desktop or laptop computers. As a matter of fact, many people accessing the web today ONLY do so through their mobile devices. Can you afford not to cater to this considerably large market sector?

3) Data Transfer Costs

Many mobile users must pay data transfer fees. Traditional websites have much more data than

mobile websites

, and therefore can cost a lot of people a lot of money to view. How often are customers willing to pay you to market to them? Enough said.

4) Navigation

As previously mentioned, traditional sites are much smaller on those tiny mobile device screens. That means site visitors must do an awful lot of scrolling to take the whole site in . . .and let’s face it, web surfers don’t want to have to work to read a

web page

. Also, it can be nearly impossible to hit navigation buttons on such a tiny screen when the website hasn’t been optimized for mobile devices.

5) Today’s Web Audience

The fact that most people access the Internet via mobile device also means that most people use their mobile devices for any of a wide variety of things – shopping, searching, entertainment, and more – and these are all aspects you could add to your

mobile website

to increase your reach and broaden your customer base.

As you can see, there are a number of very good reasons to build a mobile website for your business, and as soon as possible.

Enlist the help of professionals like Big Splash Web Design & Marketing to get started today. We can be reached through our website, or by phone, at 281-816-6932.

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